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(More customer reviews)From Silence to Voice by Bernice Buresh and Suzanne Gordon is a must-read for all nurses. The message of the book is one nurses need to hear: talk about your work, show the world what you do, communicate the fact that nursing is skilled, responsible and interesting work. Buresh and Gordon make clear that much of the devaluing of nursing arises out of the fact that nurses avoid the limelight. Like the ubiquitous 'good woman' behind every successful man, nurses let their work be the backdrop for medical care, and for patients managing their own care. The consequences of downplaying the contribution of nursing to patient care is that our work is not noticed, our profession is not valued, and fewer and fewer people want to become nurses. Buresh and Gordon not only argue convincingly that nurses can be their own worst enemies in this respect, they provide a comprehensive range of strategies to teach nurses how to talk about their work, and (vitally) how to make people interested in hearing about it. These strategies range from ways of talking about nursing work to friends and family, to running a media campaign to support a union action, to writing oped pieces for major newspapers. I learnt a great deal from reading and re-reading From Silence to Voice and I recommend that it be part of curriculum for nursing students, be used for professional development sessions for working nurses, and adopted as a tool kit for union activists, professional officers and nursing leaders. Whether you are a student starting out in the nursing profession, a bedside clinican, a manager, organizer or educator, Buresh and Gordon's text is an eye-opener. Nurses as individuals and as a profession need to develop the communication skills and political savvy this book offers. And we need to do it right now! Sioban Nelson, RN, PhD, BA(Hons), School of Postgraduate Nursing, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Editor, Nursing Inquiry.
Click Here to see more reviews about: From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know And Must Communicate to the Public, Second Edition
From Silence to Voice provides essential information that will heighten nurse's awareness of issues that systematically deny the critical contributions of nurses to patient care. Buresh and Gorden meticulously examine the influence of history, culture and gender that have affected theimage of the nurse and therefore the care of the patient. Intuitively, nurses know what the authors have documented: that nurses silence about their vital role in patient care portends invisibility which results in lack of recognition, reward and job satisfaction. From Silence to Voice walks the reader through the practical steps, that can be incorporated in every nurse's practice, that are required to break through the silence and flourish.
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