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(More customer reviews)and don't know where to start, this is a great book and CD to get your feet wet. The Japa meditation is simple, calming, and beneficial for mental clarity and peace.
I mostly bought this book because it also contains a CD of a guided meditation called "Japa". I have never formally meditated before with guided imagery, so I thought I would give it a try, especially since I was familiar with Dyer's books and loved his personal style and wisdom. Japa meditation focuses on the sound "Ah", which Dyer notes is a sound common in all names of God, such as Yahweh, Allah, Ra, Jehovah, Krishna, Kali, Yeshua, and so on.
His gentle and soothing voice guides you to visualize 1the first 10 words of the Lord's Prayer (Our Father Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name), and then focus on the "gap" between words where there is space and silence. Then, you voice the "Ah" sound along with Dyer. I realize that sound is very healing and sacred, but I personally don't like to verbalize the "Ah" sound along with Dyer. However, by hearing Dyer chant "Ah" between the gaps of the Lord's Prayer, it helps me center in on that "gap" and feel the vibration and Presence of God. I tend to be more visual, so imagining the "space between" helps to cease the mind's incessant chatter.
I highly recommend this book and accompanying CD for greater mental clarity and overall feelings of peace--especially if you have reservations about guided meditations or have never used one before. Getting in the Gap also contains a section of testimonials from those who have had remarkable experience using the Japa meditation.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Getting in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation (Book with CD)
The practice of meditation takes us on a fabulous journey into the gap between our thoughts, where all the advantages of a more peaceful, stress-free, healthy, and fatigue-free life are available, but which are simply side benefits. The paramount reason for daily meditation is to get into the gap between our thoughts, and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains the soul-nourishing meditation technique for making conscious contact with God, which the ancient masters have told us about. You have the potential to be an instrument of the highest good for all concerned and to be a literal miracle worker in your own life. No person, government, or religion can legitimately claim to do this for you. "In fact," says Dr. Dyer, "I agree with Carl Jung who said, 'One of the main functions of formalized religion is to protect people against a direct experience of God.'" When you master getting into the gap and staying there for prolonged segments of meditation, and experience what you bring back to the material world, you will know your answer to the question: "Why meditate?"
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