Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)The Late Henri Nouwen ,of blessed memory, was a Dutch Catholic priest who was able to put his spiritual longings[and lackings] into print and a level that I do not think has been matched in the past century.Certainly, Thomas Merton was a better writer and more influential, though Nouwen gave us his doubt at an unprecendented depth. In this duiary, first published in the mid-70's , he went to Piffard , NY to live with the Trappists of the Genesse for 8 months[he later went back, and produced another book of meditations]It was fortuitous that he met the abbot, Fr John Eudes Bamberger, and found a man to whom he could pour himself out. The abbot [he is still abbot,by the way,and has his own website}is an MD, psychaitrist and a man of deep prayer. Much of the book is the the conferences of Nouwen and the Abbot, though a greter portion is Nouwens musings on life, his frustrations, his enthusiamims[wich were many and childlike in thier intensity] and his prayer.His descriptions of back breaking manuel labor,of sorting raisins{the monks produce a regionally famous bread, called,of course, monks bread]and of normal, everyday fears and phobias are wonderful, insightful and inspiring. The Late Fr. Nouwen wrote scores of books, though thisis in my estimation his finest.
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Recorded during a seven-month stay in a Trappist monastery in Genesee, New York, Henri Nouwen's record of his spiritual journey is an insightful and compassionate inspiration to all who seek to know themselves better.
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