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(More customer reviews)Some key points:
The assessment of you that's formed in the first 7 seconds creates a lasting impression of you in anothers mind.
Communication starts with good conversation.
Television has set the style of communication for today - relaxed, informal, crisp,quick,entertaining.It has made us impatient- make your point quick and interesting. Be visual.
You are The Message:
We are the message no matter what the medium.
Take a personal inventory of your asets that help you communicate
A good communicator takes responsibilty for the flow of communication.
Audiences respond to visual over verbal signals.
Make read speeches look conversational.
Test your powers of observation and description.
Review your past performances and communications and figure out how you would improve it.
Be natural, don't force an emotion.
Model the best professional communicators.
Perception counts more than content.
Record yourself on video and audio in interactions.Evaluate your performance.
4 Essentials of a Great Communicator:
1. Be Prepared
- your audience must have confidence that you know what you're talking about, and feel you know more about your topic than they do.
- you should appear that you have been thorough in researching your topic and analyzing the audience.
- you should be purposefull- goal is to inform, entertain, inspire, or all three.
- hostile or skeptical audience- show understanding of all side sof an issue
- supportive audience- reaffirm shared values
- be relaxed, calm, maintain a sense of humor, take your work seriously, avoid criticizing and disagreeable behavior, empathize.
2. Make Others Comfortaable
3. Be Committed- know what you are saying and why, and care about saying it.
4. Be Interesting- Use analogies from other fields, metaphors, visuals, technology, etc. At least 30% of your reading should be from beyond your own field.
The Magic Bullet: Being Likable.
-Likable people are optimistic, concerned about other people's welfare, see opportunity in difficulty, handle stress, laughs easily (especially at himself), perform well in crises, humble in prosperity.
The Double-Edged Sword: Emotion
- you reveal yourself to your audience through visible and expressed emotion.
- people want to see a range of a speaker's emotions expressed with committment and colored with humor, sincerity, energy, and enthusiasm.
- facts provide information, emotions provide interpretation. Alternate facts with genuine emotions- balance head and heart issues..
- Success= integrity+talent+good communication skills
Beyond Charisma:
-Charismatic personalities never doubt their ability to add value to a situation through their presence, prestige, style, competence, optimism, and/or enthusiasm.
- Charisma is the ability to cause other people to respond to you.
- Winners set the tone and climate as opposed to reacting to the climate and tone set by others. They control space, time, tempo, pace, voice, eye contact, flow of dialogue, emotional tone, and topic. This occurs through assertion of skill, personality, knowledge, belief, energy, and enthusiasm.
-Charisma quotient measures self-confidence, leadership qualities, definable goals, control of one's life, and the attitudes of making oneself and others feel comfortable.
An ounce of energy is worth more than a pound of technique.
The essential responsibility of any employee is to be positive, enthusiastic, and friendly. Advancement comes mainly from communication and motivation skills.
No one can manufacture an image for anyone. All a consultant can do is advise and guide you on capitalizing on your personal assets.
Have an "At-Your-Best" checklist to know how to et yourself into peak performance.
Audiences remember concepts (idea clusters formed by words) and emotional expressions.
Fears of failure and embarrassment are the biggest stops most people have to doing things.
Insecure communicators see themselves as worse than they are.
Antidotes to fear are preparation and use of energy in delivery.
Media relations:
-Safest way to deal with the press is to not make off-the -record statements. Avoid wisecracks. Give true and complete information.
- You are always on the defense with media, but you caan use it to score.
- Never go into an interview unprepared. Stay composed at all times.
- Have an agenda with at least 3 major points you want to mention in the interview.
- Don't go beyond the bounds of your stated position.
- Be friendly, brief, direct, and positive. Explain things in layman's terms.
- Answer the question and add a point(s) from your agenda.
- Be aware of the reporters agenda.
- You're not obliged to reveal confidential information, but give a rational explanation why, not "No comment".
In the end, we're all human and vulnerable, so show that side of yourself and you'll gather sympathy and rapport.
Click Here to see more reviews about: You Are the Message
"You are the message." What does that mean, exactly? It means that when you communicate with someone, it's not just the words you choose to send to the other person that make up the message. You're also sending signals about what kind of person you are--by your eyes, your facial expression, your body movement, your vocal pitch, tone, volume, and intensity, your commitment to your message, your sense of humor, and many other factors.The receiving person is bombarded with symbols and signals from you. Everything you do in relation to other people causes them to make judgments about what you stand for and what your message is. "You are the message" comes down to the fact that unless you identify yourself as a walking, talking message, you miss that critical point. The words themselves are meaningless unless the rest of you is in synchronization. The total you affects how others think of and respond to you.
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