Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)The book contains good advice for it's purposes. Unfortunately, it's purposes seem twofold: 1. Encourage young officers to punch out of the service as early as possible 2. Encourage them to sign on as a client of Begley's recruiting company
In that regard, I though Mr. Begley should be giving this book away because it's clearly a marketing tool for his recruiting business. I think I paid too much to read 200 pages of sales pitch.
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The purpose of this book is to provide guidance to today's military leader. What the reader will find here is not the conventional pap passed on through "authorized channels." Indeed, to most dull minded, head in the sand martinets, a lot of what is presented will be regarded as heresy. Most offended individuals are not even aware that they have been beguiled by an outdated system. Regrettably such individuals are misguided and live in a dream world. From Ranks to Riches tells the reader what life is like today.At the very onset it is important to understand that the Military Leader is quite different from the civilian counterpart. He or she was identified, usually at an early age, as possessing an above average ability to lead people. From that time forward the future leader chose and was exposed to teaching and training in the art of leadership. Whether the leader was trained by the Army, the Air Force or the Navy is relatively unimportant. Each Service has its nuances, but all leadership -- and management -- training is essentially the same. Certain individuals seem to have been born with unusual leadership abilities. Others will never be successful leaders, no matter how much they are taught or trained. However, the majority of individuals trained as military leaders have developed a significant talent for management. This talent is applicable in civil life as well as in Service.To the military leader the ability to effectively transfer this leadership talent to the civilian community often appears daunting. It should not be so. They should have more faith in themselves. They will succeed, eventually. In the long run of life, class will tell. The results of studying this book will not make the difference between ultimate success or failure.What the reader will gain by reading the pages of this book is a knowledge of how to pursue a more rewarding career as a leader and how to make the transition to industry more effectively. The interviewing techniques, the insight into reading people, motivating methods and the emphasis on focusing efforts is just as applicable in the military as in civil life. The choice of career paths is up to the individual. The alternative to applying the principles presented here is to wait for innate capabilities and experience to show the way. By following the suggestions offered in From Ranks to Riches both the career service member and the transitioning leader will be able to attain success sooner and enjoy the fruits of that success longer.
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