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On My Honor Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts are Worth Fighting For is a great book about the Boy Scouts of America. The author Rick Perry, Governor of Texas and an Eagle Scout is donating the proceeds to the Boy Scouts of America legal fund. The book begins with the history of Scouting. The chance meeting of an American businessman in London, England with a British Scout started the chain of events that lead to the founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910.
The scouts have been under attack for many years. Rick Perry said the first concentrated effort started in 1970. The attacks are in the form of law suits and court challenges which fall under four different topics. These categories are girls seeking membership in the BSA, duty to God, duty to be morally straight and access to government forums.
The author writes about each example of these attacks and their outcome. One of the cases went to the Supreme Court which the Boy Scouts won. The Boy Scouts usually win, but at a great cost in attorney fees and loss of future donations. The latest attacks are designed to cut off funding and reduce meeting locations.
On the values side of Scouting, the Rick Perry goes into many examples of successful Scouts and how Scouting has helped them.There are statistics that show the effect on a boy's life when he enters and stays with the Scouting program compared to a non-scout. The numbers will surprise you. The author points out that the Scouting handbook is the roadmap for a young boy growing up. Rick Perry writes that single parents in need of a male mentor for their son(s) see the Boy Scouts as an answer.
As you read the book the question comes to mind, Why do so many groups attack the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scouts have a set of rules much like our military and society, and looks for the greater good of the community. The last question, will Scouting survive? Rick Perry believes it will and I think all 100 million boys who have been Scouts will say strongly agree.
On a personal note Scouting, I am an Eagle Scout and a Cubmaster of Pack 136 and the scouting motto of Be Prepared served me well in Mosul, Iraq. Boy Scouts of America will be 100 years old in 2010 and many celebrations will be held. Let's hope scouting will be around for another 100 years. I am proud of my father an Eagle Scout my mother was a Cub Scout den leader, my wife also was Cub Scout den leader, and my two boys are Boy Scouts. I know the Boy Scouts is worth fighting for.
On My Honor Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts are Worth Fighting For is well worth reading whether you are involved in Boy Scouts or for those that want to learn more about the values and program of Boys Scouts of America.
Be Prepared
Eric Shuler
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In On My Honor, Texas governor Rick Perry, through the legacy of the Boy Scouts of America, takes dead aim at the moral relativism of the secular humanist movement, indicting its corrosive impact on the culture.Examining the left's legal assaults on the Boy Scouts of America - which span more than 30 years - Perry offers prescient insight into the multi-faceted war, which pits the proponents of traditional American values against the radical leftist movement that seeks to tear down our social foundations.On My Honor underscores the depth to which the culture warriors of the left will go to force their secular humanist minority view upon American society and revered American institutions.It is a revealing look at a culture war that rages close to the surface of American life, and it is a must read for any American concerned that our society is slipping from the high moral ground of liberty to the valley of license.
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