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(More customer reviews)The battle over hermeneutics seems to be wage on this one issue: How did the New Testament writers use the Old Testament? In one volume, Greg Beale, formerly of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (and one of my professors), but now Wheaton Graduate School, has compiled twenty-two articles, each dealing with various aspects and concerns over the use of the Old Testament in the New. Beale writes, "The purpose of this book is to present various perspectives concerning the hermeneutical issue whether or not Jesus and the apostles quoted Old Testament texts with respect for their broader Old Testament context" (7). Each essay is from a well-known scholar in the field who seeks to answer the question "did the New Testament writers quote or refer to Old Testament passages that are consistent with or contradictory to the original Old Testament passage?"
The reader will find this volume extremely helpful. The essays are not just theoretical; they show how the particular author applies their hermeneutical or linguistic perspective(s). This book is quite unique for it unswervingly focuses on "exegetical methodology instead of theology" (9).
Beale admits that more space is given to articles arguing in favor of the New Testament using the Old Testament text contextually. Although this view is offered at various levels and with varying nuances throughout the literature (see the "Selected Bibliography"), it is the minority view. Thus, G. Beale purposely chooses more voices affirming and demonstrating that New Testament writers were faithful to the immediate and broader contextual concerns of the original Old Testament writers. Nevertheless, the breath of perspectives these essays offer will help the reader to enter the discussion with integrity.
Understanding of this subject is a must for students of the Bible. Since the integrity of the Christian message is wrapped up in the integrity of the New Testament writers, this hermeneutical and exegetical issue (debate) must be entered by all who profess to teach and proclaim the Gospel. Please don't allow the high quality and technical nature of some of these articles to cause Bible students and pastors to overlook this volume--the issue is too great to be ignored by all "users" of the Bible! Greg Beale has done a great service to the Church by compiling these essays and making them accessible in one volume.
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