Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I'd give this book 5 stars for its practicality, but there are a few flaws. Many options books present a Chinese menu of exotic strategies, confusing the reader and probably causing him to lose his money quickly. This book distills all of these strategies down to 4 of the ones that are the most practical for investors and traders, and that in my experience work well in real life. I was put off by the awful title, which is not the main point of the material in the book at all, but I guess the publisher wants to attract some of the get-rich-quick crowd. The clarity and emphasis are uneven. The fifth "bonus strategy" would've best been left out, because most traders would consider it extremely dangerous. On balance, the book's emphasis on profiting from option time decay by using stragegies that are safer than stock ownership greatly outweighs these flaws. You can waste thousands of dollars on options classes and end up with less useful material than is contained in this book.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Get Rich with Options: Four Winning Strategies Straight from the Exchange Floor (Agora Series)
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