Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)"Rediscovering a historical technique" was the old subtitle for the earlier editions. Now it's "From historical technique to digital application." And that change of subtitle is revealing. There's a lot more here on pinholes and zone plates for digital cameras, and a lot less on early camera obscura experiments. There's still a good emphasis on the do-it-yourself aspects which is a good thing with pinholes as you really can make and modify good quality instruments. No matter how hard you work if you make wine it's not likely to be better than the $7 bottle at the corner store, but your twenty minute camera construction can work as well as a Holga. And your modifications to an old box camera can produce brilliant images.
The essential pinhole camera reference, and exhortation to action, has been updated, expanded, edited, and made higher-tech. And it's all a good thing.
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