Rewriting: How To Do Things With Texts Review

Rewriting: How To Do Things With Texts
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Written by Duke University Writing Program director Joseph Harris, Rewriting: How to Do Things with Texts is a guide written especially for college students and professionals seeking to refine their academic writing technique. Leaning away from the static ideas of thesis, support and structure and toward a more naturally flowing and dynamic writing style, Rewriting challenges the reader to think of writing an adaptive, social activity and shape one's written intellectual opinions and discussions accordingly. Presented strategies for coaxing a more persuasive and intuitive tone into one's logical academic written arguments include forwarding (taking words, images, or ideas from text and putting them to use in new contexts), countering (suggesting different ways of thinking rather than simple nullification of a given ideal), and much more. Recommended for intermediate to advanced academic writers for its solid recommendations to make prose more readable, immersive, thought-provoking and natural-sounding.

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"Like all writers, intellectuals need to say something new and say it well. But unlike many other writers, what intellectuals have to say is bound up with the books we are reading . . . and the ideas of the people we are talking with."
What are the moves that an academic writer makes? How does writing as an intellectual change the way we work from sources? In Rewriting, a textbook for the undergraduate classroom, Joseph Harris draws the college writing student away from static ideas of thesis, support, and structure, and toward a more mature and dynamic understanding. Harris wants college writers to think of intellectual writing as an adaptive and social activity, and he offers them a clear set of strategies-a set of moves-for participating in it.

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Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us Review

Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us
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Without Conscience has a lot of information that will help someone distinguish an everyday Psychopath from the rest of the population. Yes it speaks of famous cases, it speaks of prison inmates, but it also covers the ground that most of us walk on every single day. Grocery stores, work, church, school, etc.
Not all Psychopaths are criminals, nor do all of them turn physically violent. In truth most of them are our neighbors, friends, family members, spouses, and even our own children. Most Psychopaths stay so low key that it's hard (next to impossible) to pick up on what is happening until it's too late. By then you are in over your head, financially and emotionally devastated. I know, because I was a target of one of these people.
If I had known what a Psychopath was, and had already read this book, I would have known to avoid the individual at all cost. This book covers every thing to help us make an intelligent decision about the type of person we may be dealing with. If you have doubt of any person in your life, read this book. Better safe than sorry. Believe me, the Psychopath won't care about what he or she does to you. You have to protect yourself from them.
This book will put you on the right path. Always remember 1 out of every 25 people have this mental disorder, so your chances of meeting or already knowing one are very high. Take precautions now before it's too late.

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Don't Bid: Insider Secrets for Small Businesses to Benefit from Government Spending Review

Don't Bid: Insider Secrets for Small Businesses to Benefit from Government Spending
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This book is "A Must Read" for all inexperienced Government Small Business Contractors. It is in simple understanding terms and a great help for those who are not experts in the bid process for government contracts.
Sherry Hood
SMH International LLC

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In her revolutionary book, Don't Bid!, small business wonk and governmentcontracting guru Debi Einmo speaks to over twenty-eight million Americansmall business owners: If you have dreamed of landing a governmentcontract, yet have no idea how to begin, the solution is simple: Beginwith this book! Einmo shares her knowledge, both clearly and optimistically,and guides you through the workings of the SBA as she explains the basics ofsubcontracting, demonstrates methods for finding prime contractors ready todo business with you, then offers keen negotiation techniques for landingthe deals. Einmo pulls from nearly twenty years' of experience working withleading government contractors in the USA, Middle East, Europe and Asia.

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Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture Review

Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture
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This is an excellent resource that presents a fresh approach to its topics and offers a creative and effective presentation of the role of theology in public life and discourse. I would say that its minor weakness would be an incomplete understanding of economics and an (understandable, given the time of its writing) preoccupation with the polarity between capitalism and communism. The result is that Newbigin's economic critique is a bit off-target. There are legitimate critiques of capitalism to make from his perspective but they require a better appreciation of the virtues of capitalism than he demonstrates. One hopes a latter day disciple will issue a fresh edition with a new foreword that could address this minor shortcoming in an otherwise superb small volume.

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In this book on contemporary missiology, Lessilie Newbigin applies the same discernment involved in contextualizing the gospel in another culture to the issues involved in contextualizing the gospel in our Western culture. He calls us to a thorough critique of our culture and of the way in which we understand or misunderstand the gospel of Christ and his good news of the kingdom of God.

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The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens Review

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens
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At the ripe age of 23, I borrowed my 18 year old brother's copy of this book and was enthralled.I cant help but wonder what a difference this book would have made in my life if I had read it at age 14 and not ten years later. The layout of the book is fun and appeals to readers of any age. This makes it easier to read. One thing I have to say, is that this book is one of the most powerful positive thinking books on the market. Although it's aimed at teens, the values and tips can apply to anyone. I loved the little excercises which are still applicable. Sean's frankness on matters really inspired me. My favourite part of the book though is the real life stories he relates on how teenagers have overcome difficulties and still succeed in the end. A great read, highly recommended !

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Empowering Women in Higher Education and Student Affairs: Theory, Research, Narratives, and Practice From Feminist Perspectives (An ACPA Publication) Review

Empowering Women in Higher Education and Student Affairs: Theory, Research, Narratives, and Practice From Feminist Perspectives (An ACPA Publication)
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A lot of work and thought and research went into this book. My favorite chapter was Chapter 16, learned a lot about women's issue in the workplace. A must for women to read

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How do we interrupt the current paradigms of sexism in the academy? How do we construct a new and inclusive gender paradigm that resists the dominant values of the patriarchy? And why are these agendas important not just for women, but for higher education as a whole? These are the questions that these extensive and rich analyses of the historical and contemporary roles of women in higher education- as administrators, faculty, students, and student affairs professionals-seek constructively to answer. In doing so they address the intersection of gender and women's other social identities, such as of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, and ability. This book addresses the experiences and position of women students, from application to college through graduate school, and the barriers they encounter; the continuing inequalities in the rates of promotion and progression of women and other marginalized groups to positions of authority, and the gap in earnings between men and women; and pays particular attention to how race and other social markers impact such disparities, contextualizing them across all institutional types. Written collaboratively by an intergenerational group of women, men, and transgender people with different social identities, feminist perspectives, and professional identities- and who, in the process, built upon each other's work-this volume constitutes a call to educators and scholars to work toward centering feminist and other marginalized perspectives in their practice and research in order to equitably address the evolving complexities of college and university life. Employing a wide range of theoretical lenses, examining a variety of models of practice, and giving voice to a diversity of personal experiences through narrative, this is a major contribution to the scholarship on women in higher education. This is a book for all women in the academy who want to better understand their experience, and to dismantle the remaining barriers of sexism and oppression-for themselves, and future generations of students.

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Your Kids & Sports: Everything You Need to Know from Grade School to College Review

Your Kids and Sports: Everything You Need to Know from Grade School to College
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Your Kids & Sports: Everything You Need To Know From Grade School To College by educator, coach and parent Michael Koehler is an impressively written parental guide which is packed cover to cover with a wealth of practical advice and information concerning everything from helping a child find the right sport for him or her; to learning to accept and teach one's child to accept losing; to the physical conditioning needs of young athletes; to the warning signs of drug use including alcohol, tobacco, and steroids, and so much more. An excellent and expertly written resource, Your Kids & Sports is a welcome and appreciated contribution to both Parenting Studies reading lists and Sports/Athletics Coaching reference collections.

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Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression Review

Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression
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Robert Prechter Jr. is well-known in stock market circles for his Elliott Wave predictions over the years have had their success and failures. This is Prechter's third and latest book (At the Crest of the Tidal Wave (1995) and The Elliott Wave Principle (1978)). His current book is really two books in one printed on different colored paper! Even if you do not agree with Prechter's view of the world, you should certainly understand his arguments and make your own decisions.
Part I (135 pp.) focuses on why he believes a stock market crash will occur in the near term, as well why deflation and economic depression are high probability scenarios. Although deflation and depression are rare occurrences, Prechter believes that they are at the brink. His goal is writing the book is to provide insight into defining both events and make you believe that they can happen, and eventually make you believe that they are likely to happen.
Prechter compares the period 1942-1966 (called Wave III) with the economic expansion of 1974-2000 (Wave V). He points out that the most recent period had much weaker economic fundamentals and performance than the prior period, although by stock market standards Wave V had an increase of 1930% on the DJIA compared to 971% during Wave III. In his analysis he provides comprehensive statistics on GDP, Industrial Production, Capacity Utilization, Unemployment rate, household's liquid assets, federal and consumer debt, prime rate, federal budget deficit, personal savings among others. Prechter then defines depression and its relationship to the stock market. One of his key observations is that 'major stock market declines lead directly to depressions'.
Prechter depicts the five waves evident in the stock market using four charts. He points out that the five-wave pattern occurs even taking into account major news events such as Hitler's rise to power and the end of the Vietnam war. Prechter provides four signs of a market top and explains the Elliott Wave characteristics of each of the five waves.
Prechter presents his case for the existing stock market precarious situation (as of March 2002) by covering Wave V in great detail. He spends considerable time examining the fifth wave from 1974 to 2000 compared to previous waves. The case for the historically high stock evaluation is made by focusing on the low dividend yield, outrageously high book value, and high P/E ratio. Prechter then covers how psychology plays a major role in a stock market advance and decline. He reviews the psychology of he economists, brokerage strategists, money managers, public, and the media.
Prechter believes that the upcoming bear market will be the most devastating since the great depression and perhaps since 1720-1784. If this occurs, he indicates that the U.S. will experience another depression. He forecasts that the DJI will plummet to 777, the August 1982 low, if that average follows the pattern of the prior manias (e.g., Nikkei; DJI 1929-32; Gouda tulip bulbs (1634-1722); and the South Sea Company (1719-1722)). Lastly, he makes the case for deflation, and discusses the Fed and banking system.
Book Two provided Prechter's advice for protecting yourself and profiting from the upcoming depression. His recommendations include:
1. Have safety of principal by being in cash or high-quality short-term U.S. Government treasuries (T-bills) or money market mutual funds that invest in these types of instruments.
2. Sell your home (if you have a large mortgage) and rent instead.
3. Find a safe bank (using Weiss Ratings, Inc., for example) and keep your money there.
4. Do not own or invest in stocks, options or futures.
5. Consider buying inverse mutual funds (such as Rydex Tempest that double short the S&P 500) and Rydex Venture (double short NASDAQ 100). ProFunds also offers bear funds. To invest in any of these funds, Prechter cautions that you must be a short-term timer to be successful.
6. Buy physical gold and silver metals.
7. Cash out your whole life insurance policies and convert to term insurance from the safest firms (based on Weiss Ratings, Inc., for example)
Prechter provides a very sobering view of the future that few individuals will heed because of its negative and extreme consequences. But if this book makes you think about the safety of your financial nest eggs, retirement funds, insurance policies, etc; then at least you can decide to take some steps to protect yourself. If the stock market can manage to rally 20-40% from the lows of July 2002, then perhaps you should consider cashing in your remaining equity and mutual funds positions before the 'real' bear market takes hold as Prechter envisions. I know I will be doing that and then using my charts and technical indicators to tell me when to get back in. It's shame that Prechter did not publish this book in March 2000 when the market was at its peak. He would have saved most investors, who believed his work, a great deal of money if they had followed his recommendations.
Whether you agree with Prechter's view of the world, you will certainly agree with this quote:
'To be successful in life, or at least learn something along the way, you have to think for yourself.'

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Today's financial and economic tribulations were a long time in the making. Many people ask, "Why didn't someone see it coming?" A New York Times bestselling book did see it coming. Over 100,000 people read it in time to protect their wealth. The book foresaw and explained the collapse in home prices, plunge in stocks, subprime debacle, liquidity crisis, the demise of Fannie and Freddie, the Federal Reserve's failure to turn the trend, and lots more. The book was Robert Prechter?s Conquer the Crash, published in early 2002, when the Dow was above 10,000 and the financial world was partying around-the-clock.
Fast forward to today: the average U.S. homeowner has suffered a decline of 30% to 40% in property value. Stocks and commodities had their biggest fall since 1929-1932. Fannie Mae is a zombie corporation under the government?s protection. The Fed has pushed every button at its disposal (and then some), to no avail. If Prechter thought a whole new book would help, he'd have written one. But Conquer the Crash is a book-length forecast that's still coming true -- only some of the future has caught up with the specific predictions he published back then. There is much more to come. That means more danger, but also great opportunity. Conquer the Crash, 2nd edition offers you 188 new pages of vital information (480 pages total) plus all the original forecasts and recommendations that make the book more compelling and relevant than the day it published.
In every disaster, only a very few people prepare themselves beforehand. Think about investor enthusiasm in 2005-2008, and you'll realize it's true. Even fewer people will be ready for the soon-approaching, next leg down of the unfolding depression. In this 2nd edition, Prechter gives a warning he's never had to include in 30 years of publishing -- namely, that the doors to financial safety are closing all over the world. In other words, prudent people need to act while they can. Conquer the Crash, 2nd Edition readers will receive exclusive online access to the Conquer the Crash Readers Page, where Prechter continually updates the book's recommended services and institutions.

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Why Black People Tend to Shout: Cold Facts and Wry Views from a Black Man's World Review

Why Black People Tend to Shout: Cold Facts and Wry Views from a Black Man's World
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The book was a scream! It was full of anecdotes that most of us as Blacks folks have experienced. The stories were funny but they were also disturbing because so many of the situations were blatantly racist. Black people do have to shout just to be heard. Then people wonder what all the shouting is about. This book is an easy and fast read. You are left shaking your head but with a smile on your face.

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Battlefield of the Mind for Teens: Winning the Battle in Your Mind Review

Battlefield of the Mind for Teens: Winning the Battle in Your Mind
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Outstanding book. It was recently used at a Vacation Bible School church in Triangle, VA. The teenagers loved it so much that it was hard for them to put it down. Thanks.

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Made teen-friendly with contemporary language, BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND FOR TEENS equips a new audience desperately in need of guidance with a means of winning the war raging inside them. Download the free Joyce Meyer author app.

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Dog Heaven Review

Dog Heaven
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If you've ever cried over the death of a pet, you need this book. Cynthia Rylant offers comfort for any grieving pet owner, no matter what his age.
"When dogs go to heaven, they don't need wings because God knows that dogs love running best." From that simple beginning, this book paints a picture of a place filled with canine joys. There are good-natured geese to bark at, angel children to play with, and dog biscuits to munch. Even strays have wonderful homes and lots of love in dog heaven.
It's been over twenty years since I lost my first and favorite dog, and I identified with this book as if the loss had been yesterday. I can't think of a better way to say farewell to a good and faithful friend than to share this book as a memorial.

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Quotes for Kids: Today's Interpretations of Timeless Quotes Designed to Nurture the Young Spirit Review

Quotes for Kids: Today's Interpretations of Timeless Quotes Designed to Nurture the Young Spirit
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After meeting Lisa Meyer through a graduate class, I was curious about her book. It turns out that I am beyond thrilled with what I found between the covers of this work. I am buying several copies for friends and family. It is THAT good! When you read it, it is like you are talking with Lisa. It is definitely from the heart of Lisa and her niece - well worth the effort they have put into it!

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If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path Review

If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path
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I have read more than my share of self help books but this is the most helpful book I have ever read. It started out slow - in the first pages I was rolling my eyes because I felt like it was simple stuff I already knew, but by page ten I was engrossed and thrilled. It is simple, straightforward, fun reading, it makes complete sense and helps clarify the issues that come up in every kind of relationship, from partners to potential partners, to family and friends. I could not put it down. I had an 'aha' every few pages, found it joyful and affirming and incredibly helpful. When I was halfway through it I bought 8 more copies and gave them to eight friends. They all loved it and have all given copies to their friends and family. I quickly saw my relationships to others and to myself start to change, I actively used the theories to improve my dynamics with others and one day read just one sentence and completely let go of some pain I'd been carrying for days over a conflict with a friend. Poof - it was gone and I was looking at it from a whole new place and learned a lesson I have used again and again since that day. I also re-established contact with a friend who I'd parted ways with years ago and in one easy conversation we came together again resolved the problem, laughed over how big we'd made it and have had a healthier, happier and closer friendship than ever since. I am back today to order 3 more copies for three more people - one of them is the new man in my life whom I feel this book was intrumental in helping me find. I'm choosing differently, approaching things differently and what's more - I'm happier and feel more clear and peaceful about relationships than I ever have. Get this book and a few extras for the people you love - you won't regret it. And grab your highlighter- there are gems on every page.

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In this practical, playful, yet spiritual guide, Charlotte Kasl, author of the highly successful Finding Joy: 101 Ways to Free Your Spirit and Dance with Life, shows you what it would be like to have the ancient wisdom of the Buddha to guide you through the dating process. Kasl brings a compassionate understanding to the anxiety and uneasiness of new love, and helps readers discover their potential for vibrant human connection based on awareness, kindness, and honesty. She approaches the dating process as a means for awakening, reminding us that when we live by spiritual rules, we bring curiosity and a light heart to the romantic journey. Filled with quotations from Zen, Sufi, and other wisdom traditions, and informed by the experiences of people from all walks of life, here is a relationship book that will appeal to readers looking for more than a Venus-meets-Mars solution to the complex affairs of the heart.

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Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One's Search for Comfort, Answers & Hope Review

Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One's Search for Comfort, Answers and Hope
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I found this book and "No Time to Say Goodbye" by Carla Fine to be the best books I've read on the subject of suicide. Suicide happens to all walks of faith. I lost a dear friend to this tragic death, and these two books have been very comforting for me. I found the following words in this book very healing, "He fought an enemy that was as real to him as this casket is to us. This silent enemy exhausted all his courage and strength. Only God knows what he was suffering in his soul. But our consolation is that God does know and understands!"

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It's Not About Me: Rescue From the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy Review

It's Not About Me: Rescue From the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy
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Max Lucado is the master of inspirational writing. I love the tricky title "It's Not About Me". After all these years - most of us thought it was!
The editorial reviews are so well done, I can do little to improve them. This is a small engrossing book that explores why we are here on earth in the first place - it is to reflect the glory of God. For anyone who has never read a Max Lucado book, and there are several, I recommend this one first. I have read two others and plan to read them all. They are not "preachy" nor difficult to understand. They are written by a humble Christian pastor who never fails to give credit to his wife and children for their support and encouragement.
This book touches a chord in all of us as we often forget our Creator and how much He loves us. Once you are rescued from a life of self-promotion, self-preservation and self-centeredness, and realize you are here to reflect God's glory, your life becomes changed. This book makes a wonderful gift and it deserves a place in your library where you can reread it often.

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Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success Review

Inch and Miles: The Journey to Success
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As a Principal of an elementary school I gave this book to each of my teachers this Fall and we read the book together round-robin style. What an experience! Their enthusiasm has carried through the whole school as our students have all had discussions of the various blocks, the value of hard work and being a person of integrity whatever your path. We so appreciate that Coach Wooden put his successful system into a kid-friendly venue to reach even our kindergarteners. A must-have book for adults as well as children to assist in returning to the basic roots of a successful society. Yes, enthusiasm is important, but staying the course, inch by inch, with confidence and poise, hard work and determination will ensure great accomplishments. So, "hootie-toot-toot" to a rival Bruin we will always be indebted to! Fight on!

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Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited Review

Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited
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Only Love is Real by Brian Weiss, is the third book by this incredible author. If I could, I would rate this book with 10 stars. Although one does not have to read his previous two books to read this book, he does make references throughout, but his explanations guide the reader and one is never confused or lost. Many Lives, Many Masters and Through Time Into Healing are his previous two and both are as riveting as this book. As with his other books, I could not put this book down either. The messages imparted in this book are numerous for the deep connection of twin souls. Weiss states, "Destiny dictates the meeting of soulmates. We *will* meet them. But what we decide to do after that meeting falls in the province of choice or free will. A wrong choice or a missed chance can lead to incredible loneliness and suffering. A right choice, an opportunity realized, can bring us to profound bliss and happiness."
Weiss shares the story of two of his patients relating similar past lives, and he eventually connects the two and "intervenes" to introduce them. I am sure we have all had the experience of meeting someone and just "knowing" that we know them on a much deeper level, but we can't explain it. Those that come into our lives are either ready to meet their "other half" or as Weiss put it, they are "not awakened" yet.
Weiss speaks throughout the book on the meaning and value of love and indeed, "only love is real." He urges us to forget and forgive our past mistakes, to learn from them and move on - to live fully in the present and not to worry about the future. This book is one incredible, beautiful lesson in love. Weiss urges the reader to listen to one's heart, as the ego has other agendas, as do other people. "There is someone special for everyone." How does one recognize a soulmate? - Weiss states it most profoundly, "When both recognize each other, no volcano could erupt with more passion. The energy released is tremendous. Passion in a relationship cannot be artificially created . . . . . but the chemistry has to be there from the start." Oh how so very true!!! "The person may not recognize the chemistry. The attraction is definitely there but the source of chemistry is not understood. It is delusional to believe that this passion, this soul recognition and attraction will be easily found again with another person. You do not run into a soulmate every day . . .The more awakened a couple is, the more likelihood of a decision based on love. When both partners are awakened, ecstasy is within their grasp."
Weiss shares the past lives of both Elizabeth and Pedro and the reader is able to see them in different lifetimes, as different sexes, yet they are always together, learning soul lessons and coming back again and again to be together. As with his previous books, messages come from Elizabeth under hypnosis, from "higher conscious masters", imparting loving and profound messages to Weiss: "Love dissolves fear. You cannot be afraid when you are feeling love. When allowed to flow freely, love overcomes all obstacles." Both of their past lives are most fascinating and the lessons learned are indeed enlightening. I have used one of Weiss' past regression tapes and they are incredible and one can "see" as he states in the book.
Weiss also share with the reader, his own experiences with his soulmate and wife, Carol, and the "obstacles" that they had to over come. "Destiny is persistent" as Weiss states and as seen in this book and as can be related in our lives, it doesn't give up - we only have to listen.
This book is fascinating, thought-provoking and my highlighter was in overtime in reading!!! So many, many endearing and important thoughts on love and just being. I have read all of Weiss' books and it is so hard to believe that they can get any better, but it is true!!! Reading his books, one can experience a deep sense of healing and a profound infusion of love. This is not only a book about love, but also a book about hope. This is a "must have" have book and also one that you want to share with those in your life - "Listen to your heart, to your own intuitive wisdom when deciding about a gift of destiny, such as a soulmate. Destiny will deposit its gift directly at your feet, but what you subsequently decide to do with the gift is up to you. Your heart knows what you need. Other people have other agendas."
A most excellent book - I have read it three times already!

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