Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul: Stories About Life, Death and Overcoming the Loss of a Loved One (Chicken Soup for the Soul) Review

Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul: Stories About Life, Death and Overcoming the Loss of a Loved One (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
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I recently lost my beloved father following a lengthy illness and numerous hospitalizations.His death, though expected, was very devastating---and has bruised my heart.I bought "Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul" last week, and read several of the stories daily. Each and every one has given my heart a boost!! Reading the sincere stories of others' losses and how each is dealing with their own grief is helping me through my own grieving process. A wonderful source of inspiration and healing!!

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This collection of inspirational stories will undoubtedly touch many hearts. Written by authors who have lost loved ones, these stories offer comfort, peace and understanding to those going through the grieving process.
Individual people deal with grief in their own ways and within their own time, but the guidance and support they receive from others is what helps them through it. One of the key messages of Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul is that togetherness and sharing are the keys to moving on. In these stories people share their experiences with coping and they share deep memories. Each one has found that putting thoughts and feelings into words is not only cathartic, it allows them to reconnect with their loved one and others. Words of encouragement are plentiful in this edition and they go straight to the heart. Chapters encompass the complete grieving experience and include: Final Gifts, the Power of Support, Coping and Healing, Those We Will Miss, Special Moments, Insights and Lessons, and Living Again.
Readers will be comforted and inspired by the stories of regaining strength and hope, such as holding meaningful services, performing thoughtful deeds and cherishing special memories. Most important, just as the writers have come to appreciate life through the grieving process, readers will discover how to do the same. This soothing bowl of stories is the perfect gift to bring comfort, strength and courage.

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They Came From Below Review

They Came From Below
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Two aliens from under the ocean come up to try to save their friend. They have to find him before the world discovers his secret powers. This book was really exciting and I want to know what happens to Reese. if there is a sequal I will definitely read it.

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Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters that the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too Review

Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters that the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too
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In her newest book, Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On!: What Southern Mamas Tell Their Daughters that the Rest of Y'all Should Know Too, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson has done it again! Her very funny instruction manual bares all!
FINALLY someone has revealed all the well-kept secrets of the Southern Mama Society (SMS). We men in the South have grown up fully convinced that there were some things going on around us that molded our existences without our knowledge. We also got the feeling that we were cooperators unawares. It seemed our behavior was somehow being manipulated by unknown forces beyond our control.
IT'S ALL TRUE! . . . and its far more developed, widespread, and networked than we could EVER have imagined. Who would have known . . . but only among the Southern boys and men, of course! Our women have known these things for generations!
Here is where Shellie really lets the cat out of the bag, "...I wasn't very old before I realized that Mama and her girlfriends were good at getting their husbands to do what they wanted, all the while letting the men think it was their own idea. Some people would call this manipulation. Southern women call it charm."
"Charm" does make manipulation SOUND better. All this time I thought charm was good when it was really SMS code for "get your way."
As Shellie says, "...our mamas believe in putting a shoulder to your dreams and feet to your prayers. If you want it, go after it. Things may not always work out the way you hope, but let it never be because you didn't try. Forgive me if that doesn't fit with your stereotypical idea of the fragile southern belle who spends her days resting on the couch and fanning herself between fainting spells, but I don't know that mythical breed. The southern female of my experience is more likely to gear up for battle than retreat to the sofa."
That's been my experience, as I'm sure most Southern men will agree.
Are we Southern men ever fortunate to have all these well-hidden secrets of the SMS revealed! It will revolutionize the way we view ourselves and those women around us. Now we know the shorthand and signals of the SMS. Knowledge is power!
MEN, be VERY CAREFUL how you use this knowledge. If you get a little heavy handed, you might have to go for burgers . . . or possibly worse. The members of the SMS can get even in ways most of us have not even imagined until Suck Your Stomach In and Put Some Color On! I suspect there are at least as many that Shellie Tomlinson has not yet revealed. I'll hide in the weeds (a Southern man saying) waiting for Book 2 on the subject.
DO NOT overlook the absolutely delicious recipes Shellie includes. Check this out: Pork Roast Barbecue Recipe--This is killin' goood! It'll make you want slap yore mama . . . as we say in the South. But as Shellie points out, it's only a fool who would think of tryin'!
And the recipes for all those dips and sauces! I can't wait to try them. They suggest many of the absolutely scrumptious flavors I've learned to love in Southern cooking.
MEN, get your copy quick! This stuff is too good to miss! Don't just read it: MEMORIZE IT!

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The host of All Things Southern shares the sass and strength of Southern mamas in this spunky guide to life. In this humorous handbook, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson, host of All Things Southern, reveals the all-important lessons Southern Mamas teach their daughters. Readers will discover why blue eye shadow is trashy and learn to interpret regional dialect like the Southern Mama APB, a bulletin translated on Southern streets as: "Give your heart to Jesus, girl, because your butt is all mine!" Shellie carefully breaks down the teachings behind those famous manners and social graces through her firsthand observations and dry wit. Here's everything you need to know from how to cope with the unexpected, compete in the Mr. Right Game Show, and raise children—to how to keep that marriage knot tied tight over time. Woven with quotes from real Southern Mamas and sprinkled with recipes and other Southern secrets, this book's a bona-fide celebration of all things south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

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The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God Review

The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God
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Former professor of astronomy & space sciences and former director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University Dr. Carl Sagan (Nov. 1934 to Dec. 1996) has risen from the dead to write a book on his search for God!!
Well, not quite. Sagan's third wife & widow and his longtime collaborator Ann "Annie" Druyan has turned his 1985 lectures (formally entitled the "Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology") that he presented at the University of Glasgow in Scotland into a fascinating book. Astronomer and the Sagans' dear friend Steven Soter wrote scientific updates that appear in the book's footnotes and, as well, he made "many editorial contributions."
The purpose of these lectures as Druyan tells us is as follows:
"Carl saw these lectures as a chance to set down in detail his understanding of the relationship between religion and science and something of his own search to understand the nature of the sacred."
But exactly why did Druyan turn these lectures into a book (which she edited)? Here's her answer:
"In the midst of the worldwide pandemic of extreme fundamentalist violence and during a time in the United States when phony piety in public life reached a new low and the critical separation of church and state and public classroom were dangerously eroded, I felt that Carl's perspective on these questions was needed for than ever."
Thank goodness that she thought this way because she has given all of us a valuable book to be cherished, "a...stunningly valuable legacy left to all of us by a great human being." For those who have followed Sagan's writings in the past, the science he presents will be familiar and easy to follow. He does though illuminate his discussion with examples from such disciplines as cosmology, physics, philosophy, literature, psychology, cultural anthropology, mythology, and theology. What was especially new and unexpected to me were the religious viewpoints that he presents. I have never read these before and this is what makes this book a treat to read. These religious viewpoints are especially prominent in the last 5 chapters or lectures. They are entitled:
(1) Extraterrestrial folklore: implications for the evolution of religion
(2) The God hypothesis (an excellent chapter!!)
(3) The religious experience
(4) Crimes against creation
(5) The search
Sagan emphasizes an important point right at the beginning of the book in the "Author's Introduction" that he wrote in Glasgow, Scotland on Oct., 1985:
"I want to stress that what I will be saying are my own personal views on [the relationship] between science and religion...I hope only to trace my own thinking and understanding of [this relationship]."
This book has more than 35 figures or illustrations (mainly in the form of color photographs). The bulk of the photographs occur in the first four chapters that have the following titles (I have also included the number of illustrations per chapter):
(1) Nature and wonder: a reconnaissance of Heaven (14 illustrations)
(2) A retreat from Copernicus: a modern loss of nerve (5)
(3) The organic universe (13)
(4) Extraterrestrial intelligence (2)
After presenting all the lectures, the book ends with selected transcribed questions from the audience. Sagan answers these questions with his trademark style of elegance and style punctuating his answers with reason and rationality. I found this section most interesting.
Finally, a note on the photographs. Druyan explains:
"[I and Steven Soter] felt sure that Carl would not have wanted to use the 1985 slides from the lectures. Astronomers have seen farther and more clearly since then. Steve found the gorgeous [and more recent color] images that replace them."
I can validate Druyan's statement. All the photographs ARE gorgeous and a sight to behold.
In conclusion, this book presents the scintillating lectures of the relationship between science and religion by the late scientific icon, Carl Sagan. I leave you with Sagan's final words in the last lecture presented in this book:
"I think if we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand who we are and where we came from, we will have failed. I think this search does not lead to a complacent satisfaction that we know the answer, not an arrogant sense that the answer is before us and we need only to do one more experiment to find out. It goes with a courageous intent to greet the universe as it really is, not to foist our emotional predispositions on it [as religion does] but to courageously accept what our explorations tell us."
(first published 2006; editor's introduction; author's introduction; 9 lectures or chapters; main narrative 220 pages; selected Q & A; acknowledgements; figure captions; index; figure credits)

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Resurrected: Tangible Evidence That Jesus Rose from the Dead Review

Resurrected: Tangible Evidence That Jesus Rose from the Dead
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In spite of reviewer "bill hay's" criticism that this book doesn't live up to the X-Files "stringent" criteria for valid science (what?!), I personally found the book to be well worth the read and credible on all levels. Having worked in the fields of pathology and criminology for several years, I was struck with the integrity of the work presented here. I honestly don't know whether Jesus was raised from the dead. I didn't witness it. But if any pathologist was asked to testify as to the question based on the evidence objectively presented here, I can't see how they could deny it.
Sometimes the conclusions drawn by science are rational. But there are also times when the conclusions, as irrational as they may appear to be, are correct none-the-less. Read it for yourself.

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Gilbert R. Lavoie, M.D., has studied the Shroud of Turinfor more than 20 years. He brings together startling new scientificinformation that shows how the shroud points to the resurrection ofJesus. With foreword by Gary Habermas.

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The Untold Story of Milk, Revised and Updated: The History, Politics and Science of Nature's Perfect Food: Raw Milk from Pasture-Fed Cows Review

The Untold Story of Milk, Revised and Updated: The History, Politics and Science of Nature's Perfect Food: Raw Milk from Pasture-Fed Cows
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In my review of the first edition of this book, I remarked about how hard it would be to make the book better. It seems like this is Schmid's answer to that. Everything I said in my review of the first edition goes double here.
This is more than just a revised edition, in some ways it is a new book. While the first edition touched on most of the subjects contained in this second edition, Schmid pushes to much greater range and depth in most of those areas.
He has increased the amount and depth of information about the history of the relationship between humans and bovines, and elaborated on the impact of that relationship on both species.
He has also delineated the overt and covert campaign against healthy raw milk in vastly greater detail. He goes into greater depth in his discussions of the legal cases involving raw milk and the people who produce it. If the stories about the behavior of government officials paid good tax money to protect the citizens of this country described in the first book upset you, then the additional material and depth on that collective malfeasance/criminal negligence in this edition will make you positively fume.
My personal feeling is that a tax-paid official who knowingly misdirects or otherwise influences an investigation of toxic substances in food is guilty of at least a couple of felonies, especially if people die or are severely injured. As the case histories here show, this has happened far too many times, with raw milk getting blamed for illnesses known to be caused by other foods. This is criminal on at least two points - attacking innocent citizens (wrongful prosecution, malfeasance), and letting the real culprits continue to poison people (aiding, abetting, and conspiracy). The fact that there has not been a massive investigation into this situation is very disturbing and also rather revealing. (As always, cui bono - who benefits? The "Medical-Industrial complex?)
The additional depth Schmid adds to the scientific discussion is a wonderful and welcome example of real scientific analysis in action. He deftly dismantles the errors, omissions, language tricks, and outright lies in the scientific reporting, and exposes the corruption involved in the production of faulty "research," which is used to shore up the unwarranted, untenable, and sociopathic attacks on raw milk. In this, he credits Sally Fallon Morell, Chris Masterjohn, Mary Enig, and others for their assistance.
An example of this is Ancel Keys' infamous Six Countries Study, which has been quite thoroughly debunked as a textbook example of hand picking your data to support a hypothesis. Junk science at its worst, yet still quoted by many as valid research.
It is a very instructional piece on digging into research reports to see if the data really support what the summary says it does. Most people would be shocked and angered by how often the data do not support the conclusions in scientific research. If you apply the same level of inquiry to the global warming scam, you will see even greater corruption.
He also clears up many myths and misconceptions from both sides of the milk debate, and clarifies what the valid research actually shows. He dismantles the arguments of critics with ease, as they are mostly propaganda and junk science.
(Science, contrary to what we hear from the media loving hacks, is never "settled." Scientific understanding consists of constructing models, which are always limited by our measuring technology, previous knowledge, competence, willingness to research a given area, greed, ego, and many other things. When a model fails, it should be replaced. This seldom happens, especially when there are large financial stakes involved. There are far, far more errors in science than most will admit.)
This edition is a bit more difficult to read than the first, due to the inclusion of so much more detail, including biochemistry and physiology. I found the discussion of lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and related antimicrobial substances in raw milk particularly interesting and potentially very helpful. I am also pleased to see he has looked at the research and seen through the cholesterol scam, and discusses this in detail. Good job, Ron!
The book over 400 pages long, with about 30 additional pages of citations and an index. There are also a few pages of photos.
This is an outstanding example of making scientific understanding accessible and useful to the general public. Unlike some authors who simply make grandiose, authoritative-sounding pronouncements, Schmid backs up his statements with solid research, and exposes his reasoning for all to see.
Easily one of the best books on health, nutrition, science, and history in print today. I heartily advise reading it if you are at all interested in health and the forces (and people) lined up against it. You will also come away with a newfound respect and admiration (maybe even love?) for our bovine buddies.
Cows rock, dude.

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The role of raw milk in the rise of civilization, the milk problem that led to compulsory pasteurization, the politics of the dairy industry. Revised and updated with the latest scientific studies documenting the safety and health benefits of raw milk.Raw milk is a movement whose time has come. This book will serve as a catalyst for that movement, providing consumers with the facts and inspiration they need to embrace Nature's perfect food.

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From Old Notebooks Review

From Old Notebooks
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Words are Evan Lavender-Smith's main tool to express what's in between words: experiences, thoughts, memories, feelings. What cannot be touched, Lavender-Smith captures. The writing is outstanding, and I'm reading this book with no pauses. Ulysses, his son and daughter, Derrida, football, Kierkegaard, writing, death, and films--all are the leading actors of this strange memoir. When he writes about fatherhood, you can almost see his son's footprints on the pages in an effort to touch what the son calls "my moon." Beautifully written, clever, witty, and sensitive.

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From Old Notebooks is a memoir, a novel, a poem, an essay -- a self-styled memoivel -- which exemplifies how love of language and literature enriches our lives, and explores, often with great humor, the many pitfalls confronting a young writer and father on his journey to maturity. Each entry in From Old Notebooks is literally that -- an idea written in a writer's draftbook. Within this unconventional format, Lavender-Smith is able to tell us the story of his life while ruminating on subjects ranging from fatherhood to philosophy, art, football, music, politics, TV, teaching, fear of death, and everything in between. In the process, Lavender-Smith lays bare the day-to-day trials and tribulations of an artist confronted by the pressures of culture, family, writing, and, simply, being. Witty, original, poignant and deeply insightful, From Old Notebooks is a coming-of-age story, an ode to writing and reading, to living and loving -- a celebration of 'human thought in all its glory, all its mundanity.'

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100 Successful College Application Essays (Second Edition) Review

100 Successful College Application Essays (Second Edition)
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I purchased 3 College Essay books (100 Successful College Application Essays, 50 Successful Harvard Application Essays, and Essays That Worked), and have the following comments... I believe that the Harvard book has the best suggestions on how to write an essay, along with the best commentary/critique. However, the essays are a bit too polished. I think for 90% of prospective college students, their essays would be more like those in and patterned like those in Essays That Worked. For varied ideas on essays, the 100 Successful book gives some good ideas, but I believe many of the essays to be subpar. I did each book to have some interesting general reading, especially if one likes "short stories"... or if one is interested in 17 & 18 year olds, and what goes thru their minds.

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30 Seconds to Prosperity: Inspirational Quotes to Begin Feeling and Experiencing Prosperity Right Now Review

30 Seconds to Prosperity: Inspirational Quotes to Begin Feeling and Experiencing Prosperity Right Now
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I love this book, it's so simple to read! The quote selections are great, and his commentary is very good too. It explains alot of the law of attraction concepts too without being complicated, and I definitely found myself feeling better and feeling more prosperous as I read it, so he deliverded on his promise. There are 50 quotes from Oprah to Napoleon Hill to Rev. Michael BEckwith, and many others. It's a diverse selection, and I recommend it highly because it packs a punch and it will uplift you.

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The Quotable Osler Review

The Quotable Osler
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I know three of the medical doctors (All members of the Osler Society) who assembled these choice selections uttered and (mostly) penned by Sir William Osler . . who seems to have felt strongly on only one controversial subject = that men seldom did any worthwhile creative work after age 40 and would do well to be "chloroformed" at age 60. Sir William died at age 70. The term "Internal Medicine" was coined in German-speaking Europe during Sir William's post-graduate training years there and he established the definition of the "specialty" at Johns Hopkins. The "specialty" has now out-lived its usefulness but our reverence for the man who contributed more than any other to the art and science of patient care obviously is being passed along to many young men and women who choose to be REAL PHYSICIANS.

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Quotes to Inspire & Motivate Review

Quotes to Inspire and Motivate
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Sometimes it just takes a burst of inspiration to move you to the next level. Ian's book is packed full of just that- good, solid quotes to inspire and motivate. Ian clearly spent a long time gathering these golden nuggets and I appreciate being able to have them in one book. I highly recommend!
Corey Perlman

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Till Victory Is Won: Famous Black Quotations From the NAACP Review

Till Victory Is Won: Famous Black Quotations From the NAACP
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Taking its title from the moving lyrics of the official song of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, "Lift Every Voice and Sing," Till Victory Is Won chronicles significant moments in African-American history through more than two hundred illuminating quotations from NAACP officers, members, and award recipients.Focusing on five major topics -- Protecting Civil Rights, Achieving Educational Excellence, Nurturing Economic Development, Reaching Youth, and Gaining Political Power -- this extraordinary anthology inspires and informs. Featured voices include:
Kweisi Mfume
Duke Ellington
Rosa Parks
Hank Aaron
Carter G. Woodson
W.E.B. Du Bois
Thurgood Marshall
Maya Angelou
Harry Belafonte
Sidney Poitier
Sara Lawrence Lightfoot
Martin Luther King Jr.
Halle Berry
Michael Jordan
Earvin (Magic) Johnson
Colin Powell
George Washington Carver
Jesse Jackson
Oprah Winfrey
Lauryn Hill
Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Toni Morrison
Susan Taylor
Langston Hughes
Jackie Robinson
Quincy Jones
Alice Walker
Spike Lee
Cornel West
Patti LaBelle
James Earl Jones
...and countless others who share their perspectives on the life-changing work of the NAACP and its place in history.

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The Boxer's Heart: Lessons from the Ring Review

The Boxer's Heart: Lessons from the Ring
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I myself am a female boxer. It not only taught me things my trainer never did but also helped keep me going everytime a guy at the gym laughed at me or did something like tell me to get out of the ring when sparring. Very few people can make it in the sport of boxing especially women and I was so relieved to find out I'm not the only girl out there going through or who went through the pain, thrill, excitement, and struggle into the male dominated world of boxing.

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The Boxer's Heart is a brilliantly candid memoir and the first-ever guide to the world of women's boxing. Written by Food and Wine editor Kate Sekules, it tells the story of how an average athlete converted her visceral dislike of violence into a short but eventful career as a professional boxer makes irresistible reading for both fans and foes of what used to be "The Manly Art." Sekules's account unfolds with the pace and depth of a great novel, crammed with larger-than-life characters and piercing observations. Any woman who has grappled with anger and trust, been nagged by insecurity at the gym, or wondered what it feels like to throw a punch will identify with this witty and honest account of the "sweet science of bruising." "It's a knockout, folks..... The Boxer's Heart is a winner, on all cards."—Newsweek " Sekules ... is appealingly self-aware ... [and] gives us a sense of women's boxing as a thriving movement."—New York Times Book Review "Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee."—Kirkus Reviews

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Holy Companions: Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints Review

Holy Companions: Spiritual Practices from the Celtic Saints
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This is a marvelous little book on Celtic Spirituality. The authors use both well-known and lesser-known saints as icons into spiritual wisdom. You will find this book is both a great read and useful tool for understanding the spirituality of the Celtic Saints - and applying their wisdom to everyday life.
I have used this book with high school students and adults and all have enjoyed the wisdom that can be gleaned from these pages. This book is useful for both those new to Celtic Spirituality and the Celtophile.

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The Celtic tradition continues to captivate readers. Centuries old, it seems to speak to the modern world with a fresh voice. InHoly Companions, readers are invited to get to know and journey with eighteen Celtic saints. The authors have provided a theme inspired by each saint, along with a brief biography, a reflection on what the saint's life and words may mean to us today, and some spiritual exercises and practices that grow out of that life and work. Written accessibly, this is an excellent book for individual exploration or group study.

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The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century Review

The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century
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No matter what you think of his politics, you have to admire Glenn Beck's willingness to explore territory that other pundits (on the right and left) have shrugged off or ignored. The Federalist Papers fall into that category. Often regarded as archaic and irrelevant, the `Original Argument' for a Constitution and federal government has often been overlooked by modern theorists. Glenn Beck does a fine job of resurrecting them, and breathing life into them once again.
So, why are they so important, and what is the original argument any way? As Beck states in the introduction, "What the Federalist Papers offer to us today is a guide to understanding the Founders' core constitutional principles, the theories behind their words, the why, the where and how of the foundation of America." Beck clearly esteems the Founding Fathers, and finds the Federalist Papers to be of their core work.
What I find most interesting is the even-handedness Beck levies. The Federalists are known to have been pro-federal government, which in today's climate is allied with Democrats and modern liberals and against Republicans and conservatives. For instance, much of Hamilton's rhetoric is used today in defense of widespread government intervention, especially with regard to fiscal and monetary policy.
But rather than denouncing the Federalists as monarchists or totalitarians, as some on the political right might be inclined to do, Beck is willing to honestly examine their work and analyze it in its context. What the reader finds is that, though some Federalist concepts certainly were statist in their effect, the core ideas are arguably the core ideas of the political right--minimum government and maximum freedom. To be sure, the concept of `Federalism' isn't just about the federal government--a balance of power achieved by individualized states is also implicit in the concept.
Though this book's focus is narrow and won't stand on its own like Wood's Radicalism of the American Revolution or Morse's Juggernaut: Why the System Crushes the Only People Who Can Save It, Beck's treatment of the Federalists is one of the best out there, and can be appreciated by anyone interested in the history of American politics, on the right or the left.

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Glenn Beck revisited Thomas Paine's famous pre-Revolutionary War call to action in his #1 New York Times bestseller Glenn Beck's Common Sense. Now he brings his historical acumen and political savvy to this fresh, new interpretation of The Federalist Papers, the 18th-century collection of political essays that defined and shaped our Constitution and laid bare the "original argument" between states' rights and big federal government--a debate as relevant and urgent today as it was at the birth of our nation.

Adapting a selection of these essential essays--pseudonymously authored by the now well-documented triumvirate of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay--for a contemporary audience, Glenn Beck has had them reworked into "modern" English so as to be thoroughly accessible to anyone seeking a better understanding of the Founding Fathers' intent and meaning when laying the groundwork of our government. Beck provides his own illuminating commentary and annotations and, for a number of the essays, has brought together the viewpoints of both liberal and conservative historians and scholars, making this a fair and insightful perspective on the historical works that remain the primary source for interpreting Constitutional law and the rights of American citizens.

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Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace Review

Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace
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This book fulfills a long needed addition to Mills' 1997 effort Evidence! Citation and Analysis for the Family Historian. Genealogy, as a discipline, has practioners that range from the casual gedcom collector to professional and academic researchers. For the last several decades, there has been a strong movement toward standards in genealogical research, in an effort to gain credibility on par with historians and other social sciences. At 816 pages (884 total pages), reading it from cover to cover is a bit like reading a dictionary, which few of us rarely do.
Judging from the buzz on various mailing lists before the book was released, you might expect that Mills was providing merely a reference manual or citation style manual for genealogists. However, the title, Evidence Explained, hints at more. Throughout the text, Mills uses the term "historian" over the use of the term, "genealogist." This shift in terminology is perhaps in keeping with the direction that the discipline is moving. Additionally, Mills devoted the first chapter to the subject of evaluating sources and evidence contained within them, a subject that still causes confusion for many experienced family historians (i.e., genealogists).
For those of us who would rather read a novel than a style manual, I recommend reading the first two chapters in their entireity. Both chapters cover general concepts that are prominent in genealogical research and citation writing. The remaining twelve chapters deal with the various types of historical records or artifacts encountered while researching family history. Starting with Chapter 3, Mills provides the historian with a section, entitled "QuickCheck Models." These models provide a simple, "view-at-a-glance" template for the various types of records referenced by that chapter. The "QuickCheck" models are easy to locate, appearing on pages with a greyed background to help them standout while looking at the the edge of the book.
To aid navigation, each chapter's title page contains a table of contents to the QuickCheck Models. However, supplying a TOC for these brief sections seem unnecessary. The models, themselves, appear one to a page with the desciption (or title) of the model at the top of the page. Rather, the user of the style manual would have been better served if a TOC had been created for the main text of each chapter, which is much more detailed and offers information not provided by the models.
Paragraphs within each chapter are identified by a two level numbering system (chapter, paragraph). Mills mentioned that she modeled her manual after the Chicago Style Manual (CSM), which also uses this numbering schema for navigation purposes. Like CSM, Evidence Explained opens each paragraph with a run-in subhead identifying the subject matter of the paragraph. However, nowhere is there a reference or cross-index to the paragraph numbers, themselves, making them somewhat superfluous.
Each chapter contains a section called, "Guidelines and Examples." This is the major text explaining issues related to each category of sources. Don't forego reading this part of the text in favor of just using the models. Here, I recommend that the researcher employ the JIT approach to reading. JIT (meaning "just in time") is a term borrowed from manufacturing whereby parts to make a product are ordered and shipped to the factory "just in time" to assemble the product, saving time and the expense of warehousing a large inventory of parts. When searching for the most appropriate style template to use--and once you have identified the source type--,read the sub-section labeled "Basic Issues" within the "Guidelines and Examples" section. Then, proceed to the paragraph that describes the specific type of source. (This is where a chapter TOC would have helped.) Reading the "Basic Issues" section will help the researcher see how concepts in citations relate to that specific source.
Another feature that Mills employed in the text was the use of icons to indicate explanations of citations related to microfilm, computer databases, etc. Mills did not explain this feature in her preface, perhaps thinking that no explanation was necessary. For an example of how these icons are used, refer to page 347. As a matter of fact, the lack of an introduction and orientation to the book seems to be its greatest weakness. Any reference manual--and this book certainly fits that description--should offer the reader an orientation to the conventions used within.
Finally, Mills provided two indexes to the manual. The first is the general index. It offers the best way to apply the JIT principle, sometimes directing you to multiple examples on separate pages. In absence of a chapter table of contents, the index is your only resource for navigating the book. The second index is to the QuickCheck Models only. It is redundant of the general index, which also includes references to the QuickCheck Models. When searching the index(es), be certain that you know which index you are purusing. The two indexes do not have separate page headers.
Despite the above-mentioned weaknesses, it is a monumental and welcomed improvement over earlier works and, no doubt, will help us all become better writers of our family research. I can still highly recommend it.

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Evidence Explained is the definitive guide to the citation and analysis of historical sources.It begins with a simple question: Why do we invest so much of our energy into the citation of sources?Followed by the intriguing answer:Because all sources are not created equal.As a citation guide, Evidence Explained is built on this simple question and answer.According to the author, there are no historical resources we can trust at face value. Records simply offer evidence, and their assertions may or may not be true. To decide what actually happened, we must understand those records. To analyze that evidence and judge what to believe, we also need particular facts about those records.Thus, Evidence Explained has two principal uses: it provides citation models for most historical sources especially original materials not covered by classic citation guides such as The Chicago Manual of Style. Beyond that it can help us understand each type of record and identify each in such detail that we and our readers will know not only where to go to find our source, but, equally important, the nature of that source so that the evidence can be better interpreted and the accuracy of our conclusions properly appraised.Highlights Covers all contemporary and electronic sources not discussed in traditional style manuals, including digital, audio, and video sources Explains citation principals and includes more than 1,000 citation models for virtually every source type Shows readers where to go to find their sources and how to describe them and evaluate them Teaches readers to separate facts from assertions and theory from proof in the evaluation of evidence.Most importantly, Evidence Explained discusses source citations for every known class of records, including microfilm and microfiche, and records created by the new digital media:WebsitesBlogs Digital books and journalsDVDsCDsAudio filesPodcastsEveryone Needs This Book-Carry it around and consult it for the correct citation of any source you come across-Keep it constantly at your side to help you identify sources-Use it to evaluate digital and Internet sources-Make it your standard for citing sources and evaluating evidence in your day-to-day research

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Voices from the Street: Truths about Homelessness from Sisters of the Road Review

Voices from the Street: Truths about Homelessness from Sisters of the Road
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I was expecting a book with interviews of homeless people. This book is more complex than that. It contains short excerpts of interviews which are grouped under subjects pertaining to homelessness, plus interviewer notes, narrator observations, illustrations, and other extras. No single voice dominates the book or even a portion of the book. Look for Genny Nelson's powerful introduction and chapter introductions.
I thought I had some answers to the question of why people are homeless. I've got fewer answers now, and a lot more compassion for the folks that I see every day. This is a good book recommendation for the person who begins a sentence with "All homeless people..."

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