Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation Review

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
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One thing that our world does not encourage very well is stopping and listening -- stopping and listening to each other, stopping and listening to life around us, or stopping and listening even to ourselves. This is a skill that, given our cultural conditioning, must be cultivated. That is one of the things that this book by Parker Palmer, `Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation', strives to do -- to help the reader, the seeker, to be more attentive to life.
Palmer is a well-known author in the area of vocational care and consideration. I first encountered Palmer's writing in another book, The Courage to Teach, as various of us explored the meanings of our vocations as educators in the fields of theology and ministry.
Palmer states at the outset in his Gratitudes (a wonderful substitution from the typical words Preface or Introduction) that these chapters have in various guises appeared before. However, they have been re-written to fit together as a complete and unified whole for the purpose of exploring vocation.
Chapter 1: Listening to Life, starts as an exploration through poetry and Palmer's own experience in vocation. What is one called to do? What is the source of vocation? Palmer states: `Vocation does not come from willfulness. It comes from listening. I must listen to my life and try to understand what it is truly about -- quite apart from what I would like it to be about -- or my life will never represent anything real in the world, no matter how earnest my intentions.'
The very word vocation implies both voice and calling. Crucial to this understanding is that one must be present and attentive to hear that voice, that call.
Chapter 2: Now I Become Myself, continues, through the words of May Sarton, Palmer's self-exploration and self-discovery of the vocation not as an achievement but rather as a gift. One must be ready to receive the gift.
Many people, and Palmer is no exception, go through a period of darkness, despair, and depression before reaching a clear understanding of the vocation to which they are called. It requires courage. It requires diligence. It requires (and again Palmer uses the words of Sarton) the understanding that this will take 'time, many years and places'. It requires patience.
Chapter 3: When Way Closes explores one of the frequent problems along the vocational trail -- what happens when something stops or closes? Is it as simple as thinking a window opens when a door closes?
Sometimes it is not so simply identifiable. Our vocation sometimes propels into action or inaction because what we are doing rather than what we should be doing. Palmer says we must learn our limits, and sometimes we subconsciously force ourselves into action by closing off the past.
Palmer used the example of having lost a job. Palmer was able to discern, through reflection, that he was not fired from that job because he was bad at the job, but rather because it had little to do with his true vocation, and his heart would never be in it. His vocation required that he lose that job.
In stopping ourselves from dwelling on the past, beating on the closed door, but rather looking at where we are and where we can go from there, that our vocation opens for us.
Chapter 4: All the Way Down, deals with that depression we often face on the way. While it may sound cliche to talk about hitting bottom before being able to progress, there is a truth behind the cliche.
Depression ultimately is an intimately personal experience. Palmer explores the mystery of depression. He frankly admits that, while he can understand why some people ultimately commit suicide in their depression, he cannot full explain why others, including himself, do not, and recover (at least to a degree).
Chapter 5: Leading from Within talks of Palmer's return from depression into a world of action. Quoting from Vaclav Havel, the playwright-president of the Czech Republic, he says, `The power for authentic leadership, Havel tells us, is found not in external arrangements but in the human heart. Authentic leaders in every setting -- from families to nation-states -- aim at liberating the heart, their own and others', so that its powers can liberate the world. `
By unlocking those places in our hearts -- places that include faith, trust, and hope -- we can overcome fear and cynicism, and move to a firm grounding where we can be leader of our own destiny by following our true vocation.
Chapter 6: There is a Season winds through a treatment of the seasons of nature in relation to the seasons of our lives. We in the modern world have forgotten the basic cyclical nature of our ground of being. Decline and death are natural, yet we always flee from these and treat them as tragedies beyond understanding. We see growth as a natural good, but do not trust nature (even our own self-nature) to provide the growth we need for all.
The various chapters are remarkable in their sense of spirit and flow. For a book of only barely more than 100 pages (and small pages, at that), this book opens up a wonder of insight and feeling that helps to discern not one's own vocation, but rather how to think about discerning a vocation. This is, in many ways, a book of method, by showing a personal journey combined with other examples, principles and honest feelings.
This book can, quite simply, make a difference in the life of reader. There is no higher praise or recommendation I am able to give than that.

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Lawyers Jokes, Quotes And Anecdotes Review

Lawyers Jokes, Quotes And Anecdotes
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My book is so dog-eared it is almost twice as thick as the original! The book is replete with short exchanges that reveal human foible, skewer pomposity and give solid evidence to the all-to-common, yet painful, truth of living in a society where the law is an essential ingredient to necessary order. At times I found myself laughing out loud for minutes at a time. Other times, I had to put the book down to reflect on the truth revealed in words uttered from the mouths of laymen. If you know and love lawyers, get frustrated in legal processes or just want a riotous, light-hearted read, this book is for you.

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When the Bill Of Rights contains 297 words, and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has 266 words, but it takes 26,911 words for government legal eagles to spell out regulations on cabbage pricing, it's esy to see that lawyers provide us with plenty of fodder for irony and hilarity.With the pages of Lawyers:Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes, readers will find hundreds of silly sayings, "insightful" interrogations, odd laws, and original knee-slapping jokes about a profession whose practitioners write 10,000 word documents yet still call them briefs.

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This Little Light: Lessons in Living from Sister Thea Bowman Review

This Little Light: Lessons in Living from Sister Thea Bowman
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This Little Light is a beautiful book about Sister Thea Bowman, a black Franciscan nun from rural Mississippi. Sister Thea was an inspiration to many in her blending of Catholicism with the African-American experience. Her devotion may have followed an unusual path, but she inspired many with her spirit and changed the lives of many. McGrath's paintings help make her spirit more accessible to the reader with their vibrant colors and beautiful motion. This book has inspired me to learn more about this most interesting woman.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teacher Tales: 101 Inspirational Stories from Great Teachers and Appreciative Students Review

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teacher Tales: 101 Inspirational Stories from Great Teachers and Appreciative Students
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I thought this book was cute and funny, even though I am not a teacher! It reminded me that teachers are people too, as so often students forget just as kids forget that their parents were once young. I love that I can pick this book up anytime and read a short story to cheer me up or make me laugh. The stories are from both new and experienced teachers so you get to see both ends of the spectrum. It also covers good and bad kids, funny and embarrassing moments, and stories of bonding.
Not all of the stories are funny at first, but they do make you smile and are inspirational. One of my favorite stories is called "The White Car," and is about a teacher who accidentally hit a 9 year old boy who later ended up in her high school classroom! (They joked and bonded that year.) I think this book would make an especially great gift for any teacher, but then again I enjoyed it as a mom!
I received this book to review, but it is 100% my opinion.

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There's always that one special teacher or student, and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teacher Tales regales all educators with its heartfelt, inspiring, and humorous stories from inside and outside the classroom. Stories from teachers and students about their favorite memories, lasting lessons, and unforgettable moments will uplift and encourage any teacher. A foreword by Anthony Mullen, 2009 National Teacher of the Year, and stories fromall the2009 State Teachers of the Year.

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Buddha's Little Instruction Book Review

Buddha's Little Instruction Book
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The first thing I want to comment on is the title. This book is not exactly an instruction book per se, although at the end of the book it gives Meditation tidbits. I've had this wonderful little book for years. The first 124 pages give a a single quote above a watercolor type drawing.
Time and time again I reach for this book to give me a desired quote to live by, such as the following on page 11,
"The heart is like a garden. It can grow compassion or fear, resentment or love. What seeds will you plant there?"
Just a handfull of words but perhaps change the course of your day. As I said in the Title of my review, I love this book so much it is falling apart at the seams, and I mean literally the pages are no longer connected to the binding. This is truly a little treasure!

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Just as the serene beauty of the lotus blossom grows out of muddy water, Buddha's simple instructions have helped people to find wholeness and peace amid life's crisis and distractions for more than 2,500 years. For this small handbook, a well-known American Buddhist teacher and psychologist has distilled and adapted an ancient teaching for the needs of contemporary life. Its practical reminders and six meditations can infuse smallest everyday action with insight and joy.

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Speak: The Best Quips, Quotes, and Anecdotes for Dog Lovers Review

Speak: The Best Quips, Quotes, and Anecdotes for Dog Lovers
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What a delightful book! This remarkable collection of wit and wisdom brings together literally hundreds of quotes - funny, warm, insightful - that attest to the place dogs occupy in our lives and in our hearts.I recommend this little book to everyone: dog owners, dog lovers, and even, perhaps especially, to those who have missed the companionship of these faithful, loving animals.

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A one-of-a-kind compendium of wit and wisdom from doglovers throughout history.This humorous and heartwarming collectionof bon mots, memorable quips, and touching stories looks at man's bestfriend through the words of celebrities, historical figures, andpoliticians who all share one thing in common: They're head-over-heelsin love with their dogs. From Franz Kafka to Dave Barry, AbrahamLincoln to Picasso, Sir Isaac Newton to David Letterman, Speak! bringstogether authors, performers, philosophers, and presidents to sing thepraises of their beloved canine companions."I can train any dog infive minutes. It's training the owner that takes longer."--BarbaraWoodhouse"Some of my best leading men have been dogs andhorses."--Elizabeth Taylor"What dogs? These are my children, littlepeople with fur who make my heart open a little wider."--OprahWinfreyOrganized in a way that will be meaningful to any dog owner,Speak! covers all aspects of the life we share with ourcanines, and the special place they have in our hearts.

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0 to Bitch in 10 Seconds or Less: Quips and Comebacks for Quick-Witted Women Review

0 to Bitch in 10 Seconds or Less: Quips and Comebacks for Quick-Witted Women
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This little book is perfect to give to girlfriends for any occasion! It is filled with fun quotes and quips that will make you laugh - all of us women can relate!

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The Boys' War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War Review

The Boys' War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War
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Read this aloud with my children about 2 years ago. It sparked my son's interest in Civil War historical fiction. He is not an avid reader, but has read several civil war books including "Red Cap" by Clifton Wisler and just picked up "Across Five Aprils" for his sixth-grade historical fiction assignment. Jim Murphy is a fine writer, weaving quotes, diary entries and anecdotes into a lucent and revealing account of the lives of youths who participated in the Civil War. A fine book!

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Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool Review

Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool
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"ScreamFree Parenting," by Hal Runkel, is an excellent parenting guide that will help moms and dads everywhere to keep (or regain) their sanity. Runkel is a licensed family and marriage therapist and one of the founders of ScreamFree Living, Inc. The book's thesis is that parents cannot keep tabs on their kids 24/7, nor can they force their children to consistently behave in a certain way. Therefore, mothers and fathers would be better off learning to focus on how they react to their children's words and actions.
Parents, Runkel contends, should take stock of themselves. Are they in control of their behavior when they interact with their children? Or are they at the mercy of their "emotional reactivity"--their unthinking, knee-jerk reactions? If the latter is true, it is likely that parent-child interactions will be tense, angry, and unproductive.
All of us who have struggled with parental responsibilities instinctively realize that a calm and reasoned approach is far more effective than a hysterical and dictatorial one. However, because of fatigue, ignorance, or inertia, many of us instinctively lash out, saying things that we don't really mean when our kids push our buttons. What to do?
Runkel does not advocate a permissive parenting style. Rather, the author recommends what he calls "judo parenting." Judo is "the art of going with another's momentum." A ScreamFree parent facilitates rather than dictates; he encourages his children to use their own resources to solve problems. By helping kids to get in the habit of making their own decisions and living with the consequences, parents will be more likely to launch "self-directed" adults.
Runkel's writing style is clear, concise, humorous, and to-the-point. The book is conveniently divided into easy-to-read sections and the chapters all conclude with thought-provoking "reflection questions." The author provides many practical examples to demonstrate how his principles work in the real world. Runkel's amusing quotations from a wide variety of sources add liveliness to his message. In additon, there are lengthier anecdotes that are taken from Runkel's experiences as a family therapist. Most parents will pick up many useful tips from "ScreamFree Parenting." It is an entertaining, intelligent, and practical approach to raising our kids without losing our minds.

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You Can Start a Revolution in Your Family . . . TonightScreamFree Parenting is not just about lowering your voice. It's about learning to calm your emotional reactions and learning to focus on your own behavior more than your kids' behavior . . . for their benefit. Our biggest enemy as parents is not the TV, the Internet, or even drugs. Our biggest enemy is our own emotional reactivity. When we say we "lost it" with our kids, the "it" in that sentence is our own adulthood. And then we wonder why our kids have so little respect for us, why our kids seem to have all the power in the family.It's time to do it differently. And you can. You can start to create and enjoy the types of calm, mutually respectful, and loving relationships with your kids that you've always craved. You can begin to revolutionize your family, starting tonight.Parenting is not about kids, it's about parents.If you're not in control, then you cannot be in charge.What every kid really needs are parents who are able to keep their cool no matter what. Easier said than done? Not anymore, thanks to ScreamFree Parenting, the principle-based approach that's inspiring parents everywhere to truly revolutionize their family dynamics. Moving beyond the child-centered, technique-based approaches that ultimately fail, the ScreamFree way compels you to:focus on yourselfcalm yourself down, and grow yourself upBy staying calm and connected with your kids, you begin to operate less out of your deepest fears and more out of your highest principles, revolutionizing your relationships in the process.ScreamFree Parenting is not just another parenting book. It's the first parentingbook that maintains—from beginning to end—that parenting is NOT about kids . . . it's about parents. As parents pay more attention to controlling their own behavior instead of their kids' behavior, the result is stronger, more rewarding, and more fulfilling family relationships.For those of you reading who are parents, know parents, or have had parents, the notion that the greatest thing you can do for your children is to learn to focus on yourself may sound strange, even heretical. It's not. Here's why: we are the only ones we can control. We cannot control our kids—we cannot control the behavior of any other human being. And yet, so many "experts" keep giving us more tools ("techniques") to help us try to do just that. And, of course, the more we try to control, the more out of control our children become."Don't make me come up there." "Don't make me pull this car over." "How many times do I have to tell you?" Even our language suggests that our kids have control over us.It's no wonder that we end up screaming. Or shutting down. Or simply giving up. And the charts, refrigerator magnets, family meetings, and other techniques in most typical parenting books just don't work. They end up making us feel more frustrated and more powerless in this whole parenting thing.This practical, effective guide for parents of all ages with kids of all ages introduces proven principles for overcoming the anxieties and stresses of parenting and setting new patterns of connection and cooperation. Well-written in an engaging, conversational tone, the book is sensible, straightforward, and based on the experiences of hundreds of actual families. It will help all parents become calming authorities in their homes, bring peace to their families today, and give kids what they need to grow into caring, self-directed adults tomorrow.

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Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness Review

Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness
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This book is one of dozens out there that should go in the motivation section rather than the sales section. If you need motivation, this book is great. But if you are looking for solid advice on how to improve your sales technique, don't waste your money. The book is littered with cute phrases like "Kick your own ass", and "the more you love it, the more you will sell".
I bought the book because there are small nuggets of good information in it. I kept it because I know someday I will need motivation. But I quickly became tired of "Rah-Rah, I'm the best salesman ever, and you suck unless you work harder." Don't get me wrong, everyone could stand to work harder. But that wasn't what I was looking for.
If you want motivation, read this book. If you want solid sales advice, read "SPIN Selling", or "Soft Sell".

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Great Quotes for Great Educators Review

Great Quotes for Great Educators
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Great Quotes For Great Educators is a brilliant inspirational resource of over 600 insightful quotes. Including the wisdom of respected figures such as Thomas Huxley, George Eliot, and Victor Hugo; over 100 original quotes from internationally acclaimed speaker and educator Todd Whitaker; and the words of real students echoing wit and perseverance, Great Quotes For Great Educators is laudible both for casual reading and as the perfect source for "filler" quotations on flyers, school newspapers, and other documents. The secret of education is respecting the pupil. - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Over 600 insightful, witty nuggets to motivate and inspire you..... and everyone else at your school. Teachers--display these quotes in your classrooms!Administrators--insert them into your faculty memos and share them at staff meetings!Why is this book unique?- includes over 100 original quotes from internationally acclaimed speaker and educator Todd Whitaker- features real quotes from real students which echo wit and wisdom for educators- each quote has a direct connection to your life as an educatorExamples of quotes in this book . . .'Great teachers have high expectations for their students, but higher expectations for themselves."

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House Beautiful 750 Designer Secrets: Exclusive Design Ideas from the Pros Review

House Beautiful 750 Designer Secrets: Exclusive Design Ideas from the Pros
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I love looking at House Beautiful books. I find the pictures to be inspirational. However, I usually don't think the text is very informative. I was pleasantly surprised to find House Beautiful 750 Designer Secrets to be an exception to the rule. It does contain beautiful photographs, but the "secrets" are useful and/or inspirational comments by designers. I have to admit I don't recognize the names of most of them, but I find the information to be consistent with other interior design/decoration books I have read. The quotes may not always be particulary earthshattering, but there were enough good ones to justify giving House Beautiful 750 Designer Secrets a 5. Out of 750 quotes you are bound to find something that is useful to you!
Now, just to give you a clear picture of what the book does and does not have to offer: no where is there a set of explicit instructions for how to incoporate the comments dirtectly to your home, but that is not the intention of the book. It is suppose to make you think for yourself how to add your own sense of style to your house. The book is set up so that there is a picture or two on a page and quotes by several different designers. The pictures illustrate the comments. I choose the following quotes because I thought that they are good advice and/or they made me rethink how I decorate my rooms.
"The most important thing is what you feel when you walk into a room." Benjamin Noriega-Ortiz
"Not interfering with views is decorating 101." Scott Salvator
"You don't need a lot of elements to create a dynamic effect." Jeffrey Marks
"Anchor a large room with a sense of symmetry." (quote from the author).
"I edit rigourously for scale, form, and color." Celeste Cooper
"Incorporate a common thread-such as a neutral color-to unify electric furnishings." Kelly Harmon
The one drawback to the book for some people might be that the pictures portray a similar style of decoration. If you like a mix of modern and antique, you will probably like the book, but those who like other styles, may or may not enjoy the pictures in the book. However, I think that the information given by the designers applies to any style.

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The 50th Law Review

The 50th Law
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Robert Greene has created a powerful book that will likely be misunderstood by most or discounted by many because of the co-author and his past, this will be a big mistake. In my opinion Robert Greene has taken a fearless step by choosing to cast 50 Cent as a modern day hip hop Napoleon, while I see the correlation, I'm not sure I'd go quite that far.
The 50th law is about two topics near and dear to my heart, fearlessness and hustle. In this case the term hustle is used to describe the street hustling tactics and the criminal endeavors of 50 Cent, what you can't overlook is that much of what 50 Cent did was in fact criminal and had no socially redeeming qualities. That said, he showed amazing insight for a child with little education other than that received from trial and error and other hustlers. He showed an intuitive grasp of core concepts of power, of strategy, and of outright manipulation. Robert discusses those tactics in great detail and in a very interesting way, the text is incredibly motivating. I constantly found myself wondering what I might do if I applied the same kind of hustle in an ethical, legal way to my existing business and kept coming back to the same conclusion, the business would grow and my competitors would be impacted.
The key ideas in the book are:
1. Intense Realism - A very candid look at the value of seeing things as they are
2. Self Reliance - A look at making everything your own and controlling yourself and your surroundings
3. Opportunism - Finding the value in negative situations and making the best of ever situation while turning it to your advantage
4. Keep moving - Move with the chaos, don't give others a chance to pin you down, change your appearance to fit the environment
5. Aggression - Get over your fears of confronting people
6. Authority - The person at the top sets the tone
7. Connection - Think of the public first and their changing needs. Begin with their demand and create the appropriate supply.
8. Mastery - Learn to master boredom, outlast your rivals, learn early to endure the hours of practice and drudgery to build a proper foundation to grow from
9. Self Belief - Push beyond your limits. Your sense of who you are will determine your actions and what you get in life.
10. The Sublime - Confront your mortality
While this book does not contain the depth of history you've probably come to expect from Mr. Greene's writing, there is plenty of it here and it is well chosen to support the topic of each chapter.
If you were ever looking for the step by step how to apply all of Robert's other writing, this is it, all wrapped up in a very practical guide. Misunderstand or overlook this book at your own risk . . . better yet, get it now and learn it, you'll be glad you did.
Dave Lakhani
Persuasion: The Art of Getting What You Want
Subliminal Persuasion: Influence & Marketing Secrets They Don't Want You To Know
How To Sell When Nobody's Buying: (And How to Sell Even More When They Are)

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A hip hop icon joins forces with the best-selling author of The 48 Laws of Power to write a bible for success in life and work living by one simple principle: fear nothing.

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A Gift from Papá Diego / Un regalo de papá Diego Review

A Gift from Papá Diego / Un regalo de papá Diego
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The first half of this book has some humorous interactions between Diego and his sister which draw in and entertain children. The second half of the book draws in adults, causing them to feel both the sadness of missing a far-off relative and the joy of reuniting with them. Without ever saying "I love you," both Diego and his grandfather teach us in a few short words that love between family members is what really matters, and can transcend all barriers. When Little Diego finally gets to see Papa Diego, it is the best day of his life.
Even though it is long for a picture book, A Gift From Papa Diego can be read aloud by an adult in as little as 20 minutes. If your story time is shorter than that, breaking it into segments is easy. There are several logical stopping places that provide suspense for the next reading session. A wonderful story and excellent bilingual text in side-by-side format!

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All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching Star Trek Review

All I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching Star Trek
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This is a fun little book chock full of wise sayings gleaned from episodes of the original Star Trek. The original was not a space opera, it was a futurized series of life's lessons, very carefully crafted. Each episode had a heavy-duty message embedded within--and not very hard to spot either. This book does not necessarily include these thematic messages, but it does excerpt a number of pithy, humorous quotes from the characters. It is highly reminiscent of a poster my dentist has in his office of Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. I expect there is also a book with that name, but I haven't read it. These words of wisdom also remind me of Dr. Akin's famous "Laws of Spacecraft Design" which you can access on the internet. With his permission, I used several in my book "The Knowledge Management and Information Technology Encyclopedia" (published by the Government and not for sale). My favorite submits from Marinaccio's delightful book are:Gossip is often confused with conversation. In fact it often takes the place of conversation. Take gossip away from some folks and they would turn into mimes. p.61
When everyone is responsible, ultimately no one is responsible. p.52
Idiot-proofing is also genius-proofing. p.94
Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about people. p.61
Attitude is the top priority; after attitude, talent or gifts are important. p.64
As Yogi Berra, the great Yankees catcher, once said, "You can observe a lot, just by watching." p.23
A person who understands a rule knows when to break it. p.50
Competent people know which rules to follow and which to ignore ... when people of good judgement are allowed to exercise their insights, good results usually follow. When people=s hands are tied, they are ineffective. p.94
The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play. pp. 8, 53, & 54
Difficult choices expose how we truly feel. What we believe deep inside. p.39
The most important time to help someone is when they need it. p.8
For man, Utopia is endless challenge. p.17

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The Road of Lost Innocence: The True Story of a Cambodian Heroine Review

The Road of Lost Innocence: The True Story of a Cambodian Heroine
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This book is not getting enough notice. People need to read this book!!! There should be hundreds of reviews for it, but there's only a total of 24 including reviews for the hardcover as well. Someone needs to market the hell out of this book like RIGHT NOW!!! I have recommended it to all my friends and co-workers, in hopes to just get people to know about the horrors that are happening in Cambodia, and all over the world. This book was an eye-opener into a world that I was completely ignorant about. It's despicable that people exist to have brutal sex with poor innocent young children. Somaly Mam's book details the horrors in graphic detail and really makes you think! THINK!!! Here I am sitting and browsing online book reviews while a dozen innocent young girls are being brutally raped every minute in some filthy brothel in Cambodia or other countries. Is this what the world is coming to? The sex slave trafficking industry is one of the top three earning billions of dollars illegally....yet somehow, all governments are turning a blind eye to it. People like Somaly are trying to their best to help but the situation is just so daunting and out of control, I really don't know if it can ever be stopped or fixed. That's the horrible truth behind it. Young girls as young as 4-years-old are sold into brothels and savagely gang raped over and over again by men who are demons from hell. Pimps torture the poor girls to make them submit and to kill their spirit. People in the US need to seriously sit down and THINK. Quit complaining about what you don't have and how we suffer because of a bad economy. We have it 1000 times better than 99% of the world, yet we want more and we whine and complain. Americans need to educate themselves and not turn a blind eye to the horrors around the world. Ignorance is NOT bliss!!!

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A riveting and beautiful memoir of tragedy and hope–by a woman named to Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in the worldBorn in a village deep in the Cambodian forest, Somaly Mam was sold into sexual slavery by her grandfather when she was twelve years old. For the next decade she was shuttled through the brothels that make up the sprawling sex trade of Southeast Asia. She suffered unspeakable acts of brutality and witnessed horrors that would haunt her for the rest of her life–until, in her early twenties, she managed to escape. Unable to forget the girls she left behind, Mam became a tenacious and brave leader in the fight against human trafficking, rescuing sex workers–some as young as five and six–offering them shelter, rehabilitation, healing, and love and leading them into new life.Written in exquisite, spare, unflinching prose, The Road of Lost Innocence is a memoir that will leave you awestruck by the courage and strength of this extraordinary woman and will renew your faith in the power of an individual to bring about change.

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Getting in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation (Book with CD) Review

Getting in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation (Book with CD)
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and don't know where to start, this is a great book and CD to get your feet wet. The Japa meditation is simple, calming, and beneficial for mental clarity and peace.
I mostly bought this book because it also contains a CD of a guided meditation called "Japa". I have never formally meditated before with guided imagery, so I thought I would give it a try, especially since I was familiar with Dyer's books and loved his personal style and wisdom. Japa meditation focuses on the sound "Ah", which Dyer notes is a sound common in all names of God, such as Yahweh, Allah, Ra, Jehovah, Krishna, Kali, Yeshua, and so on.
His gentle and soothing voice guides you to visualize 1the first 10 words of the Lord's Prayer (Our Father Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name), and then focus on the "gap" between words where there is space and silence. Then, you voice the "Ah" sound along with Dyer. I realize that sound is very healing and sacred, but I personally don't like to verbalize the "Ah" sound along with Dyer. However, by hearing Dyer chant "Ah" between the gaps of the Lord's Prayer, it helps me center in on that "gap" and feel the vibration and Presence of God. I tend to be more visual, so imagining the "space between" helps to cease the mind's incessant chatter.
I highly recommend this book and accompanying CD for greater mental clarity and overall feelings of peace--especially if you have reservations about guided meditations or have never used one before. Getting in the Gap also contains a section of testimonials from those who have had remarkable experience using the Japa meditation.

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The practice of meditation takes us on a fabulous journey into the gap between our thoughts, where all the advantages of a more peaceful, stress-free, healthy, and fatigue-free life are available, but which are simply side benefits. The paramount reason for daily meditation is to get into the gap between our thoughts, and make conscious contact with the creative energy of life itself. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains the soul-nourishing meditation technique for making conscious contact with God, which the ancient masters have told us about. You have the potential to be an instrument of the highest good for all concerned and to be a literal miracle worker in your own life. No person, government, or religion can legitimately claim to do this for you. "In fact," says Dr. Dyer, "I agree with Carl Jung who said, 'One of the main functions of formalized religion is to protect people against a direct experience of God.'" When you master getting into the gap and staying there for prolonged segments of meditation, and experience what you bring back to the material world, you will know your answer to the question: "Why meditate?"

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